Univariate Taylor Polynomial Propagation
The univariate Taylor polynomial propagation (UTPP) aims to compute the univariate Taylor polynomial (UTP) $\varphi_f$ of a function $f$ and is given as a polynomial in $t \in \mathbb{R}$:
\[\varphi_f(t) := \sum_{i=0}^d f^i(x)t^i,\]
where $d \in \mathbb{N}$ is the maximal order or degree and $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ the evaluation point of the UTP. $f^i(x)$ defines the $i$-th uniariate Taylor coefficient (UTC):
\[f^i(x) := \sum_{\underset{|k|=i}{k \in \mathbb{N}^n}} \frac{1}{k!}\frac{\partial^k f(x)}{\partial^k x}.\]
Since the UTP is computed component-wise (w.r.t the output of $f$), it is usually assumed $f$ has a one dimensional output.
To compute the polynomial, UTPP leverages so-called recurrence relations. Recurrence relations are formulas specifying the UTC. For example:
Let $n=2$, $f(x) = x_1 + x_2$ and $h$ and $g$ suitable functions. The recurrence relation for the $i$-th UTC of $f$ up to degree $d=2$ is given by
\[f^i(x) = h^i(x) + g^i(x).\]
Therefore, if we know the UTPs of $h$ and $g$ we can conclude the UTP of $f$. These kind of formulas motivate the term "propagation" of input polynomials. Various recurrence relations can be found in table 13.1 and 13.2 of [2]. AD packages implement the recurrence relations for a set of elemental functions. If a user-defined function is decomposable into these elemental functions, the AD package can computes the UTP automatically.
ADOLC.jl leverages ADOL-C's utilities for UTPP and wraps it in the univariate_tpp
driver, which allows the easy computation of Taylor polynomials of functions with arbitrary input and output dimension. To demonstrate the application of univariate_tpp
, lets go back to the example. If we set $n = 2$ and $h(x) = \sin(x_1)$, $g(x) = x_2$ for all $x=(x_1, x_2) \in \mathbb{R}^2$, we have by definition of the UTC
\[f^0(x) = h^0(x) + g^0(x) = \sin(x_1) + x_2 \\ f^1(x) = h^1(x) + g^1(x) = \cos(x_1)x_1' + x_2' \\ f^2(x) = \frac{1}{2}\left(-\sin(x_1)(x_1')^2 + \cos(x_1)x_1''\right) + \frac{1}{2}x_2''.\]
The formulas above emphasize that the values of $x_i'$ and $x_i''$ must be given. Intuitively one could set them to the derivatives of the projections by interpreting $x_i = p_i(x)$. Then $x_i' = 1$ and all further derivatives are zero. However, the input values $x_i$ could be generated from a complex computation. A user may wants to include the derivative information of this computation in $x_i', x_i'', \dots$. To this end, ADOL-C allows a user to provide distinct input UTC for each input variable $x_i$, where the evaluation point is one dimensional. Those UTC have the form:
\[\sum_{j=0}^d y^j t^j.\]
The coefficients $y^j$ are user-given, which means we need $d+1$ coefficients for every input variable $x_i$. If the UTC above corresponds to the input variable $x_1$, internally the following connection between the coefficient $y^i$ and the $i$-th derivative of $x_1$ is expected
\[y^i = \frac{1}{i!}x_1^{(i)}.\]
Here it is assumed that $x_1$ is provided by some function, which makes sense of the derivative. The output of univariate_tpp
are the UTC of $f$'s UTP.
In our example, lets first set the input UTCs corresponding to the UTP of the projections $p_i(x) = x_i$. For $x_1$ we get $y^0 = x_1$, $y^1 = 1$ and $y^2 = 0$. Similarly for $x_2$. If we further choose $x = (\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{1}{2})$ we can compute the UTCs $f^0$, $f^1$ and $f^2$ of $f$ with ADOLC.jl easily:
f(x) = sin(x[1]) + x[2]
x = [pi / 2, 0.5]
d = 2
utp = univariate_tpp(f, x, 2)
# output
1×3 CxxMatrix:
1.5 1.0 -0.5
The initialization with the input UTP based on the projections is done automatically if no other initialization UTP is provided to the parameter init_tp
Next, we comput the UTP at the same evaluation point $x = (\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{1}{2})$, but now $x_2$ is obtained from the function $x_2(s) = s^2 + 3s + \frac{1}{2}$, while $x_1$ is still determined by the projection $p_1$. Then, $x_2(0) = \frac{1}{2}$, $x_2'(0) = 3$ and $x_2''(0) = 2$. The corresponding UTCs are given as $y^0 = \frac{1}{2}$, $y^1 = 3$ and $y^2 = 1$. The input UTCs are now written to the parameter init_tp
of univariate_tpp
. The UTCs of $f$ are again easily computed:
f(x) = sin(x[1]) + x[2]
x = [pi / 2, 0.5]
d = 2
init_tp = CxxMatrix([[pi /2, 0.5] [1.0, 3.0] [0.0, 1.0]])
utp = univariate_tpp(f, x, d, init_tp)
# output
1×3 CxxMatrix:
1.5 3.0 0.5
For more information on univariate Taylor polynomial propagation I recommend to read the Chapter 13.2 "Taylor Polynomial Propagation" from [2].