Working with C++ Memory
ADOLC.jl is a wrapper of the C/C++ library ADOL-C. Wrapper means data from Julia is passed to C++, and calls to functions in Julia trigger C++ function calls to get output data in Julia. The communication between Julia and ADOL-C is handled by CxxWrap.jl, which, for example, allows to pass a Cint
from Julia into a int
in C++ automatically. Most functions of ADOL-C modify pre-allocated memory declared as double*
, double**
, or double***
to store a functions' results. Two apparent options exist for providing the pre-allocated data to the C++ functions called from Julia. The first option would be to write wrappers in C++, which allocate the memory every time before the actual ADOL-C function call. This would cease control over the allocations from Julia, but it would be easier to work with on the Julia side, and the C++ side would have full control over the memory. The second option is to allocate C++-owned data from Julia by calling ADOL-C's allocation methods from Julia. This data is then passed from Julia to ADOL-C's functions which mutates the allocated data, and access the mutated values from Julia. The second option allows more control over the data, but a user has to be aware of some critical aspects:
- C++ owned memory is not automatically garbage collected and can lead to memory leaks quickly if not released. For example, having a Julia function that allocates a
in C++ and binds this pointer to a variable in a Julia would release the bound variable when going out of the functions' scope, but the C++ memory would still be there, you just cannot access it anymore. - There is no out-of-bounds error checking to prevent accessing or setting of data outside of the allocated area, which may lead to segmentation faults and program crashes.
- If you want to do computations with the C++ data, you either have to copy these to a corresponding Julia type or write access methods to work with the C++ allocated data.
ADOLC.jl implements the second option and wrapps the C++ memory in a mutable struct
in Julia: There are three types CxxVector
, CxxMatrix
and CxxTensor
. The first critical aspect is avoided by attaching the structs with a finalizer
allowing Julia's garbage collector to release the C++ owned memory. We implement the usual utilities for Array-data to handle the access and tackle the second critical aspect. Since these types are subtypes of AbstractVector{Cdouble}
, AbstractMatrix{Cdouble}
and AbstractArray{Cdouble, 3}
you can work with them like corresponding Julia data. Therefore, point three is also avoided. The intended use-case of the wrapper types is shown below.
The derivative!
driver requires a pre-allocated CxxVector
, CxxMatrix
or CxxTensor
. For first- and second-order computations the problem-specific allocation is done using allocator
. This function allocates the wrapped C++ memory for your specific case (i.e., for the problem-specific parameters m
, n
, mode
, num_dir
, num_weights
). For example:
f(x) = (x[1] - x[2])^2
x = [3.0, 7.5]
dir = [1/3, 1/7]
m = 1
n = 2
mode = :jac_vec
num_dir = size(dir, 2)[1]
num_weights = 0
cxx_res = allocator(m, n, mode, num_dir, num_weights)
derivative!(cxx_res, f, m, n, x, mode, dir=dir)
For higher-order derivatives one has to allocate res
as CxxMatrix
f(x) = [x[1]^4, x[2]^3*x[1]]
x = [1.0, 2.0]
partials = [[1], [2], [3]]
seed = CxxMatrix([[1.0, 1.0];;])
m = 2
n = 2
res = CxxMatrix(m, length(partials))
derivative!(res, f, m, n, x, partials, seed)
2×3 CxxMatrix:
4.0 12.0 24.0
20.0 36.0 42.0
If you really need the Julia types Vector{Cdouble}
, Matrix{Cdouble}
or AbstractArray{Cdouble, 3}
feel free to use jl_allocator
and cxx_res_to_jl_res!
( or cxx_res_to_jl_res
f(x) = (x[1] - x[2])^2
x = [3.0, 7.5]
dir = [1/3, 1/7]
m = 1
n = 2
mode = :jac_vec
num_dir = size(dir, 2)[1]
num_weights = 0
cxx_res = allocator(m, n, mode, num_dir, num_weights)
jl_res = jl_allocator(m, n, mode, num_dir, num_weights)
derivative!(cxx_res, f, m, n, x, mode, dir=dir)
# conversion
cxx_res_to_jl_res!(jl_res, cxx_res)